805 Food Truck

805 Food Truck | Food Delivery App

App Design Comps Flows

Problem Statement

How might we design an experience that streamlines the ordering process and facilitates the rapid delivery of food, enhancing the overall customer experience?

Value Proposition

For busy individuals, who struggle deciding where to eat when they are low on time, our product is an easy to use mobile app that they can use to view our menu, place and pay for their order so all that’s left to do when their order is ready is eat!

User Stories

Maisie wants a readily available mobile fast-food restaurant to achieve the goal of quickly placing, paying and picking up an order of food.

Enabling users, like Maise to do this would deliver a competitve advantage that increases customer acquistion and revenue for 805 Food Truck.

Anya wants a food provider that is always ready and close to his work to achieve the goal of eating appetizing food at a moments notice.

Enabling users, like Anya to do this would deliver a competitive advantage that increases customer loyalty and creates new influencers for 805 Food Truck.